I'm sure this is the problem that many first time bloggers experience when they are faced with the daunting challenge of posting something online that not only other people will want to read, but that they will also
I've read countless other blogs from those that explain how to make the perfect blackberry pie in just 5 minutes (highly impossible, I'm guessing unless you have the arms of an octopus) to those that give the PRECISE whereabouts of the individual, every minute of the day (I am not a stalker, I do not need your geographical co-ordinates.)
So this right here is my dilemma. In reality, I'm just an eighteen year old girl with very little experience of life, who has no idea what she want's to do in the future and with a head that's often swimming with ideas that are either too long winded to text about or utterly odd. I needed a creative way to channel all these thoughts.
By reading this blog, not only are you likely to come across a lot of very things that are extremely 'typical of an eighteen year old girl', but it's possible that you'll have gotten through this post and thought, 'I am completely bored already'.
Yeah, that's it really. I'll try to keep my rants to bare minimum (highly unlikely), my speeches of how 'I strive to achieve world peace and mutual respect' on the down low and finally, to remember (a challenge in itself) to post regular, interesting and readable posts.
Ta v. much, Adele xo
LOL I really liked that intro to your blog, it made me laugh :)
ReplyDelete- Im your first follower i believe x
Do check out my blog. Im just like you, a new blogger