Saturday, 21 January 2012

Chop Of The Mop

I hate having my hair cut. No, let me rephrase that slightly. AS MUCH AS I LOVE having my haircut, it doesn't half stress me out. Jeez Louise, such decisions. Practically half of your hair has fallen out by the time it comes to your appointment. 
     I spend weeks preparing exactly what I am going to say to the hairdresser, printing off photos, readying myself for that dreaded question of ''What'll it be this time?'' No matter how much I've readied myself at this stage, my mind goes blank, I get nervous shakes and murmur 'The same as per usual'. 

At this point, the hairdresser (who obviously doesn't know me from Adam) smiles, pretends they know exactly what you want before attacking your hair with such force and speed, you'd think they were either a robot or on drugs. 
Then to top it all off, you go to sixthform the next day with your new do and get countless,'OH MY GOODNESS, it's so.....different'. This is not the most comforting thing to hear considering you asked for exactly the same as last time. 

My problem? I'm stuck in a hair rut. Too scared to try something new but constantly wishing that I had the balls to say to that hairdresser, 'You know what, sod the plans, sod the photo, go wild'.

My hair bores me at present. I never know what to do with it and when I try to do those perfect hairdos that all the other girls seem to achieve without a problem, I somehow manage to turn my hair into something that resembles a birds nest headdress.
So now, I'm resorting to the trusty internet yet again to help me. Has anyone got any ideas of how to make my mid length, dirty blonde hairstyle more interesting? By interesting, I do not mean mohawk or leopard prints shaved into my scalp...something a tad more flattering for my face perhaps and not so....bland?

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