Wednesday 12 February 2014

     Alright, this time, I am back and really dedicated to keeping on top of this blog! I've also changed my outlook on my blog and I will be using my time to record and show my journey through my recovery from an eating disorder.
This is quite hard to admit, especially online and in such a public manner, however, for the past four years, I have suffered from quite a serious case of anorexia and exercise obsession.
Without going into the nitty gritty of things, it truly was a horrific period of my life, with awful memories and it was a time that I'd rather forget rather than relish in and remember. Saying that, it happened and it isn't something that I can just erase and despite saying I'd rather it didn't happen, the fact is that it did and that now I have to learn and grow as a result. I have goals, ambitions and things that I want to achieve. I don't want to be controlled by such an ugly force anymore and I am taking positive steps to a better future.

     I will use my entries to this blog, to show progress, recipes, regaining a sense of normality and generally enjoying my life once more! So in this quick entry, I don't want to rabbit on as I am sure that in the future I will look into my eating disorder more and I will begin to realise things about myself once more. I've met some truely amazing people, that I am sure you will hear more about, but for now I want to keep it short and sweet.

    Anything I post on here, will more than likely be on my Instagram, so I'd love you to follow me on there!

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