My wardrobe is dire at the moment. It really is quite shocking. I feel completely uninspired whenever I come to whiz together an outfit, I dislike most of the clothes when they're on and I spend the majority of my time debating whether to wear black or be VERY brave and opt for a very outgoing shade of navy considering the colour palette of most of my clothes to say the least.
Whenever I go shopping for myself, I either see nothing when I have dollah or everything seems to be out at once when my dosh is somewhat lacking. I also have the problem that I see something, pick it up, trail through the entire shopping holding said item as though it's the last available one and when I get to the changing rooms it's either a) too cold to try anything on, b) I can't be bothered looking at myself in a mirror and scrutinizing in what way it doesn't suit me or c) I just genuinely can't be bothered spending my money. $.$
Now due to these annoying habits, I'm often the one on shopping trips who comes home with a candle that was reduced to 89p or a pack of pencils that I 'desperately needed for an art project despite my many hundreds of pencils in exactly the same shade at home'. I used to be the girl who you had to restrain when it came to shopping because I bought everything without bothering if I would wear it once or if it would ever be dug out of my wardrobe. I've lost my shopping OOOOSH!
So now, I've come to the conclusion that I need to treat myself more. Do wee bit more retail therapy to ween myself back into the shopping mode or I'll get to summer and I'll be wearing furry ankle boots and a bomber jacket on the beach (absolute beach-babe attire). So I'm writing a list. Like the one's you used to write to Father Christmas, listing exactly what you want in the precise colour and where you can find it (I'm surprised I didn't supply the big man with geographical co-ordinates so as to find exactly what I wanted). The only exception is that this list says,
'Dear Adele,
You have worked hard for this money, you deserve to spend this money for the simple reason that you don't want to be walking around naked for the rest of your life.
Take my advice,
Love Adele'
This list is going to have every item of clothing (within reason) that I see and need on it in order to sprucen up my dying excuse of a wardrobe and any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
HOWEVER, you must remember that-
-I do not suit the colour yellow/lemon/grey/orange unless you wish to make me look severely ill or on my deathbed.
- I do not suit maxi dresses due to my unfortunately disproportionate body.
- Body-con is my ultimate no no, hip bones galore
- I am very hard to please and you must be prepared for my to rip to shreds anything that you suggest.
Adele xo
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